Welcome back to all returning students and a warm welcome to all new families joining us this year! We are so excited to welcome our students back to daily in-person learning!
The WRDSB and Trillium are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our students, staff, and community members and will continue to ensure that schools continue to operate safely.  Masks are mandatory for all students (and families while on school property), and students will continue to remain in their class cohort, both inside and outside of the building for the remainder of the year.
Students will need to monitor their health daily prior to coming to school.  Each day- students (with the help of families) must complete the Ontario school Screening tool at  https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/ (please bookmark this link on your phone for quick access).  If a student is sick, or experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they are not to attend school.  Please call or email the school’s attendance line (519-743-6368, press 1, or tri-attendance@wrdsb.ca)
When do I start school?
All students, from Kindergarten through grade 6 will start school on Tuesday, September 7th.
School starts at 9am and ends at 3:20pm
Student Drop off and Pick up
Each class will have a designated entry and exit door.  On Tuesday morning, our staff will be outside waiting to greet students outside their entry doors to begin our new school year.  Your student will find their classroom door (Junior will be on the East side of the building, Primary on the West side) by looking for signage and/or your teacher.  If you are new to the school or are unsure, please approach any staff member in an orange vest and we will happily introduce you to your new classmates and teacher locations.  Parents and caregivers must remain outside the school and should not be congregating anywhere on school property.  If you need to connect with staff, please call the school or email your child’s teacher directly.
How do I know which class my child is in?
To comply with privacy legislation, class lists will no longer be posted on the outside windows or doors of the school. At your convenience, starting September 4 and throughout the weekend, you will be able to determine your child’s homeroom teacher using School-Day. When you log into your account, click “Schools and Groups” on the blue left hand side menu, then click “Your Classes.” This will show the classes and groups your child is linked to within our school. Homeroom names are in the form of K1, 1A, 2/3A etc.  If you do not yet have a school day account, please reach out to the school in the coming days to set this up.  

Once you have determined the homeroom, you can find the name of the homeroom teacher using the following list:

K1 – TBD, Mrs. George – DECE

K2 – Mrs. Huerta-Witt, Mr. Hockley – DECE, Ms. Dhawan – DECE

1A – Mrs. Seibel

1/2A – Mrs. Brum

2/3A – Mrs. Miller

3/4A – Mrs. Binkle

4A – Mr. Gagnon

5A – Mrs. Martin

5/6A – Ms. Milette

Your student should come to school with their own -labelled- reusable water bottle, their lunch, indoor shoes, and a backpack.  Kindergarten students should pack an extra set of clothes for “just in case moments”.  Teachers will provide students with their learning materials as needed.  You are welcome to send your student with a pencil case, but the pencil case should remain at school in their desk for the year.
We are very excited to begin the new school year. See you September 7!