Reminder – P.D. Day Friday

Just a reminder that Friday, September 19th is a P.D. Day. There will be no school for students.


As a treat for lunch-packers and students, Trillium’s School Council will be holding Hot Dog Days on alternating Mondays beginning Monday, September 22nd.  They would be pleased to offer this each week, but can only do so if we get more volunteers.  For now, we’ll start with alternating weeks, so the schedule for the next […]


Today, Monday, September 15th is our photo day at Trillium. We apologize to any families that didn’t receive their order form home on Friday or didn’t realize it needed to be in by today. There was a problem with Lifetouch, the Photography company, and the order forms weren’t delivered to us until Friday morning. If […]

Peanut Butter Substitutes

A substitute peanut butter product is being marketed to consumers as a safe alternative for children to bring to schools in place of peanut butter. The Waterloo Region District School Board asks that parents refrain from including these kinds of products in your child’s lunches or snacks. These products tend to look, taste, and smell […]

Thursdays are Pizza Days at Trillium!

Cheese or Pepperoni pizza slices provided by Domino’s Pizza Pizza slices $1.50 Classroom teachers take orders first thing each Thursday morning In the past, we tried accepting late orders but cannot continue to accept them because: They cause errors in order accuracy They cause disruptions to the classroom learning environment They slow down and complicate […]

No Dogs On School Property, Please

We all love our dogs, but unfortunately, not all dogs love everyone else. Dogs are very protective of their owners and may become more aggressive around strangers and young children. For the safety of our children, and for your own liability protection, we do not allow dogs on school property or in the school (with […]


The Trillium community can currently receive information in one of three ways: paper copies, Facebook, and Trillium Public School Website. To reach Trillium’s Facebook page enter Trillium Public School’s website is accessed by entering We will continue to use all three methods of communication until we get a sense of what works best […]

Important Dates

Important Dates to Mark on Your Calendar We have some important dates approaching that we want to make our Trillium community aware of so that they have the option of participating.  Please mark these dates on your calendar. Monday, September 15 – Photo Day – Smile! Wednesday, September 17 – Meet the Teacher – 6:00 […]

Help Wanted!

BREAKFAST CLUB We are excited to announce that we have a small team of volunteers who are interested in getting our Breakfast Program running again this year. We are hoping for  Wed. Oct. 1st as the start date. Please ask yourself – can I help out for an hour or so for one or more mornings […]

Welcome Back Dragons

Trillium Public School Staff would like to offer a warm welcome to all of our families.  We welcome back Dragons, new and old! If you haven’t had a chance to check out which class your son or daughter is in, please look for the class lists which are posted on the office doors.  On Tuesday, […]

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