Supporting Every Student in the Move to Distance Learning | WRDSB 2020 Champions

“Ikigai” is a Japanese concept for finding one’s purpose and reason for being, and for Kimiko Shibata, it is the driving force behind her work supporting student learning as an English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD), Itinerant Resource Teacher, with a current focus on Elementary Distance Learning. It began as […]

Around the Clock Support Schools Can Count On | WRDSB 2020 Champions 

Whenever we experience a turbulent or uncertain time, we look for someone to ground us, steer, and guide us as we stay on course. For the WRDSB, Bill Lemon has been the guiding force that has helped us navigate welcoming our students back safely and managing Covid-19. Lemon, superintendent of student achievement and well-being, in […]

Finding Hope in Art at Forest Heights Collegiate Institute | WRDSB 2020 Champions

Student artwork continues to brighten the lives of the community thanks to the efforts of Melanie Kloet, art teacher at Forest Heights Collegiate Institute (FHCI) in Kitchener. In the earliest days of the pandemic and emergency school closures, Kloet was focused on how to help those hardest hit. She developed a plan to safely share […]

Leading by example at Huron Heights SS | WRDSB 2020 Champions

On any given day, you can find Jeff Klinck walking the halls of Huron Heights Secondary School in Kitchener greeting his students and sharing a laugh or two with his staff. His work as a principal and devoted leader has caught the attention of his educators Kim Clegg, Jennifer Diebolt, and Jamie Reaburn, who all […]

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

To mark National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on Sunday, December 6, flags at all Ontario government buildings, including Waterloo Region District School Board schools and worksites, will be flown at half-mast this weekend. Where buildings are closed for the weekend, our flags will be lowered at the end of the […]

Call for Committee Members: SRO program and WRDSB/WRPS relationship

The Board of Trustees of the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is looking for current WRDSB students, parents/caregivers and teachers to apply to join the Committee on the School Resource Officer (SRO) program and the Relationship between the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and the Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) The committee will […]

Keeping the Music Alive at Millen Woods PS | WRDSB 2020 Champions

Music is in the air, classrooms and hallways at Millen Woods Public School in Waterloo thanks to the dedication of music teacher Niki Kazemzadeh. Her work caught the attention of Heather Berry, a safe and healthy schools consultant with the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), who nominated her to be one of our WRDSB […]

December 1 – All Schools Closed & Transportation Cancelled

Due to the current weather conditions, all transportation is cancelled and all schools are closed. Extended Day Programs and the Education Centre are also closed. All students will participate in Weather Impacted Distance Learning. Teachers in both the in-person and distance learning programs will provide learning resources from home and will be available to students […]

Give the Gift of WEFI

2020 has been a year unlike any other. Our daily lives have changed in ways we could never have imagined and we have all faced new, greater challenges. This includes those in our community who are in need – the barriers they faced before the pandemic, have grown exponentially. More than ever before, they need […]

Monday, November 23, 2020 is a PD Day – no school for students

Monday, November 23, 2020 is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff. Students will not attend school, both in-person or virtually. All board operated Extended Day and Youth Development programs are closed. All staff will engage in a full day of professional learning focused on Student Achievement and Well-being in addition […]

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