WRDSB flags flown at half-mast for Firefighters’ National Memorial Day

To mark Firefighters’ National Memorial Day on Sunday, September 13, flags at all Ontario government buildings, including Waterloo Region District School Board schools and worksites, will be flown at half-mast this weekend. Where buildings are closed for the weekend, our flags will be lowered at the end of the day today until business resumes on […]

We Can’t Mask Our Excitement!

Dear Parents and Guardians, We are busy putting final touches on our classrooms and looking forward to next week when all of our students will be joining us again at Trillium.  Classroom assignments will be shared via School Day on Friday, September 11th- and staff will be reaching out to connect with students this week […]

2020-21 School Year Calendar is now available

The 2020-21 School Year Calendar is now available. Important dates to note: Winter holiday – December 21, 2020 to January 1, 2021 March break – March 15 to March 19, 2021 Last day of school for secondary students – Friday, June 25, 2021 Last day of school for elementary students – Monday, June 28, 2021 […]

How to check elementary class assignments for the 2020-21 school year

The Waterloo Region District School Board is committed to keeping your children safe. To comply with privacy legislation we have changed the way we communicate elementary students’ home classrooms for September. Class lists will no longer be posted on the outside windows or doors of your child’s school. If you are a parent using School-Day, […]

Revised Start for Elementary Distance Learning Program

Dear families, We are providing you with an important update regarding our Elementary Distance Learning Program. Our students will now begin Elementary Distance Learning on September 18, 2020. This is later than our original date of September 14, 2020. Please note that our Secondary Distance Learning Program will begin as planned on Friday, September 11, […]

Mask Accommodation Protocol

The Ministry of Education’s Guide to Reopening Schools required boards to develop a process to consider reasonable exceptions to the mask requirement for students. Wearing a mask helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and helps to protect people who are around you. Since some people may have the COVID-19 virus and not know it, […]

Announcing the Distance Learning Program Guides

We are proud to announce two new guides for the 2020-2021 WRDSB Distance Learning Program. Many students will join us for Distance Learning and we are incredibly excited to welcome students back to learning at a distance this year. The staff in the Distance Learning Program are committed to creating caring and engaging virtual learning […]

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

Dear parents, families and caregivers, With the beginning of the new school year just around the corner, I want to take a moment to reach out and personally welcome you all to the 2020-2021 school year. This year, I have recorded a video message, as it seems like it’s been such a long time since […]

WRDSB revises staggered start of the school year

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) will delay the start of the school year to allow students and staff time to transition back into the learning environment, both online and in-person.  The later start will give staff time to prepare to safely welcome their students back into the classroom and transition to their new […]

Distance Learning in the WRDSB: Fall 2020

This following describes the WRDSB Plan for our Distance Learning Program, Fall 2020 As a parent or caregiver, you have either chosen in-person or Distance Learning for September for your child(ren). We have a higher than anticipated number of students who have opted for Distance Learning: over 8,500 elementary students and 2000 secondary students. These […]

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